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Deca Durabolin Administration: Deca Durabolin is a very slow acting steroid that does not have to be injected all that frequently, but rather is more about giving it every once in a while. It has a long duration of use and when taken regularly will decrease your levels of sex hormones for long periods of time. It is not recommended for beginners because once you start using it regularly it can actually reverse your hormones levels and make you more of a feminine man.
Deca Durabolin is a very slow acting steroid that does not have to be injected all that frequently, but rather is more about giving it every once in a while. It has a long duration of use and when taken regularly will decrease your levels of sex hormones for long periods of time. It is not recommended for beginners because once you start using it regularly it can actually reverse your hormones levels and make you more of a feminine man. Cialis Administration: Cialis is a prescription medication that is taken by mouth and is used to relieve fatigue, nausea, and/or nervousness when taking certain drugs. This medication has a high level of risk for pregnancy and can affect the uterus. Use with caution because it increases estrogen levels. It is also taken by mouth to get rid of yeast that may be attached to the vaginal wall and is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Take this medication very slowly. This medication can cause significant withdrawal symptoms if not done correctly, so be sure to speak to your healthcare provider before beginning your medication.
Hopefully this article has opened your eyes to what synthetic oral contraceptives are, how they affect your body, and just what kind of risks are involved in using these medications. Some of the effects can be quite detrimental to your body.
For more information about these forms of contraceptives, check out the following resources:
D’Angelo, S. H. , & Zabik, W. F. (2010). Oral contraceptive use and the risk of breast cancer in a prospective cohort of US women. Annals of Family Medicine, 52(3), 259-270.
Friedman, M. D. (2010). Pregnancy among US women using oral contraceptives. Pediatrics, 125(1, pt. A), A11.
Singer, T. S. (1983). Efficacy and adverse effect of oral contraceptive pill as compared with levonorgestrel-based pill for preventing pregnancy. Archives of Internal Medicine, 134(4, Pt.A), 1763-1770.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (1991 ). Adverse drug reactions associated
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