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— synthetic steroids first became known in 1939 when testosterone was successfully synthesised in germany. They were initially used to treat. 1991 · цитируется: 22 — east germany: science in the disservice of the state: a secret east german program to perfect steroid drugs for athletes was a full-fledged scientific endeavor. — the women’s world cup in germany was hit by a doping scandal on thursday after north korea defenders song jong-sun and jong pok-sim both. German chemists discovered that the steroid stigmasterol,. Live polka in the biergarten feat. Polka on steroids swingtet (2:00 pm – 4:30 pm) polka, german folk songs and drinking songs with a little bit of kansas. Anabolic steroids are synthetic, or human-made, variations of the male sex hormone testosterone. The proper term for these compounds is anabolic-androgenic. — sacramento – before the fall of the berlin wall, u. Track-and-field athletes and officials had a grand old time accusing east german. — a swimmer from east germany on monday admitted taking drugs, part of a growing scandal that is shaking sports in united germany. The time factor: how long should i spend on a german listening skills exercise and how often? how laser listening dictation has helped my german – dr p’s. German sport university, germany. — katrin krabbe of germany during the 1991 iaaf grand prix in berlin. Sports clubs also eagerly absorbed eastern-trained athletes such as sprinter. 6 — communist east germany fed steroids to virtually all of its olympic track and field stars throughout the 1980s,
— east german weightlifter gerd bonk took the highest documented quantity of anabolic steroids in his quest for a gold medal. I have a friend who lived in switzerland for a while, he put it like this: "the swiss take everything bad about the germans and then take it to the extreme. Live polka in the biergarten feat. Polka on steroids swingtet (2:00 pm – 4:30 pm) polka, german folk songs and drinking songs with a little bit of kansas. Translations in context of "on steroids" in english-german from reverso context: place is like switzerland on steroids. 8 мая 2017 г. — post with 17 votes and 545 views. Tagged with funny, polandball, germany; shared by everydayaneko. As a german on steroids. — a former east german shot putter has claimed she had to undergo a sex-change operation as a result of steroids she took in the 1980s. — a german anti-doping laboratory using a new steroid test has found 266 positive cases in the past year and is finding other positives in. Abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids and bodybuilding acne: an underestimated health problem. Journal of the german society of dermatology, 5(2), 110–7. 2015 · цитируется: 131 — affiliations. 1 helmholtz zentrum münchen, german research center for environmental health, institute of experimental genetics, genome analysis center,. Need to translate "steroids" to german? here are 2 ways to say it. More german words for steroid. — he could have named birgit dressel. Dressel, a west german heptathlete, finished fourth in the european championships and was ranked no. — synthetic steroids first became known in 1939 when testosterone was successfully synthesised in germany. They were initially used to treat http://testing.stuccoitaliano.com/forum/profile/gana38996926/
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