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Welcome to bailii, based at the institute of advanced legal studies, where you can find british and irish case law & legislation, european union case law, law. Bali legal aid (lbh bali). The creation of a system of law society built up over the order of social relationships just and civilized. No, tourists won’t be affected by indonesia’s controversial new law. To serve all types of legal or non legal consultation before and in the recruitment process; • to review all employment contracts;. Bali’s government would ensure "there will be no checking on marital status upon check-in at any tourism accommodation, such as hotels, villas,. During balinese new year, known as nyepi, local custom requires that all people in bali observe a day of silence by staying indoors, turning off lights, and. Marijuana & other drug laws in indonesia. When traveling to and in bali please keep in mind that indonesia is one of the countries with the strictest drug. Indonesia’s controversial sex laws will not affect foreign tourists visiting bali, officials have confirmed in a statement issued monday Steroids for first time users
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